Saturday, 28 June 2014


How on earth will a 2 year old have friends ? 

As i was chatting with my neighbour her daughter Preksha came running all upset with tears rolling down her red cheeks amd gasping... ' Mommy i missed my friends while riding the bike, im loooking for them now they are out sight and they are not even bothered to look for sure they are happily riding their bikes..Preksha is 6 years old and her Mom tells me now at this age they get emotional about friends whilst she tried to convince her 'No dear im sure they must be looking out for you, how about standing here outside our house they'l come and call you im sure' said Ramyaa my Indian neighbour. A thought passed by me and i always wanted an answer for this 'Can Two year olds have Friends' ??? As far as i remember  when sunshine was born and i started the evening pram strolls when he was an infant i was fortunate to find  2 best mommy pals whose friendship i cherish till date ...So us 'threesome' with our little ones would walk every evening monday to friday 5pm to 6pm with our babies in the pram watching the sky or hearing the birds chirp or maybe watching their lovely moms :) and their mommies would go on n on n on yapping until one of the babies would screech like a chalk on the board and the others would follow and we get the alarm okay time for their feed so bye bye evenings....

So i can say  sunshine was fortunate to find friends from his pram ride days or rather Mom befriended them for sunshine and it was also a happy co-incidence that these three babies were a month apart May - June - July so even more a reason for the three mommies to connect. 

Coming back to friendship.. so when we did the big move to the west sunshine was going to be almost two and i know back in India his friends were to start school in june bcos june is the beginning of an academic year there.. out here its september but out here pre-school starts only at three complete years and i was anyway a anti early pre school mom i would lecture some of my hyper mom friends back in India who'd enroll their kids for a mother toddler program at 6 months of age and then graduate to a crawler program maybe at 8 months and then some hours of summer camp at 1 and then some early year cirrculum at 15 months and  by the time they are two they obviously have a bunch of friends aint' it ? Wrong !! In my opinion till a kid cant speak and express himself hes not ready for a school here kids actually dont go to school till 5 years of age a formal kindergarden starts at 5 of course you do have the day care run  pre schools at earlier ages like 3 plus but the point is  its so much easier for a 4 year old to go to school without any fuss bcos he or she can understand that school is a place they go to learn, play, make friends etc etc vis a vis a 15 month old. And my question is and till date i have this question how will kids  that young really play with each other they just dont understand the concept of sharing their toys, they can get tricky,the'yve surely grown enough to have their ideas and wants but their bodies and emotions are so different from one another. so in short they just play in tandem be it a birthday party where the moms are more excited to socialise or maybe a family outing with other families with kids i have noticed kids at 2 are in their own world and play at a safe distance from other kids...(thankfully)

.....And then these annoying posts i read on baby sites

 'How do i get my clingy baby to socialise in a birthday party'

'My toddler wants me to carry him always hes just so clingy'

'My toddler would cry if i speak to someone else on the phone'

Sunshine is a super clingy kid i've had days when he'd crawl inside the kitchen and stay underfoot while im cooking and cry till i have'nt carried him. its OK if kids are clingy - mind you in just a couple of years they are going to be have thier own social life,parties to attend, meet their friends and own  cell phones too :) so why not enjoy this clinginess and get that mind numbing distraction the 'cell phone' out of your way :) 

......And not to beat some super emotional quotes mostly  advertisements from Early pre schools

'Gift  your child the exercise of practical life - with the help of our developmental tools that encourage  independance and social relations.

Okay so again i dont have anything against this but my question is how is a 15month old going to attain independance by attending these early programs  oh yes he is going to stay away from his Mom for 2 hours is that going to make him independant - crap!! The toughest part in a kid s life is 'seperation anxiety' all kids whether a infant or toddler or preschooler will and have to experience this why not - They lived in a' mommy world' all this time and then a sudden change without their permission or knowledge put them in front of 10 alien faces why would'nt they cry or miss their Mom. My heart melted when i dropped him to school the first day, he had learnt to say Mamma when he was 6 months old and till date he would keep calling out to me a hundred times 'Mamma' 'Mamma' to seek my attention. In the school the moment he saw i was'nt around after i sneaked out from his class he called out Mamma at least a 100 times. sobbbb my heart melted it cracked into pieces and pieces i wanted to go get drunk and sob... the worst was i had to wait out bcos we i wasnt driving then and his Dad was to fetch us in 2 hours so i got a chance to see the class come out to the playground and sunshine came out sobbing and yet feeling a bit relieved seeing his swing i saw his teacher made him sit in the swing but who s gona sing 'ants go marching for him' he always wants me to sing this song when he swings and he has a broad sunshine smile on his face enjoying the swing ride totally but he looked so so sad on that swing so lost and so confused. he dint know what on earth was going on.

'India pressure  pressure - i literally pushed him to play with these 4 year olds :)
But the pressure on school and sunshine not playing with friends was on me my family back in India kept complaining he needs a life beyond you so enroll him in a school otherwise he will only cling to you all day. he must be getting bored at home all day with you, he will love the school and would only want to go to school watch it etc etc trust me its exactly the opposite he hates the word school if i ask him you'l go to school he says 'Enugh'  (his best answer if he has to say a big 'No') and  the best one Hahahaha  till date i laugh over this my poor sister who had taken him to a play area in a mall in Bombay was witnessed to a parent coming up to her and asking 'does he go to school' bcos sunshine tried to push her kid, my sister was like he  'ummm ...No he does not live here actually, ummm hes only 22 months ,im only his aunt ' the lady told her 'my  son went to school at 22 months only and they learn to socialise well' and i mentioned this in my previous blog too i was so exasperated  with this parent coming up to me in a play-area back in India asking me 'which school' ....and advised me they will get independant if they go to school she was probably pitying me that i was playing with sunshine running around with him in the park .  Despite all this free advise and pressure i never sent sunshine to school till he was 2.5 years that too only bcos it was winters here and there was nothing much to do . But the school trip was only twice a week skipping most of the days bcos of the chilly winters, snowy days offs,waking up late etc etc and then a full stop on account of a India summer break that lasted for 2 good months :) so school was a non event all erased from memory and  now that we are back here we deserve to enjoy the summers and sunny days afterall sunshine loves sunny days and staying outdoors hence no school :) for some more time but  the big question......

 'Do two year olds have Friends in the real sense' or  'Does sunshine have friends yet'? 

Yes his Mommy is his best friend, some farm animals are his friends, some ants and creepy crawly insects and some chirpy birds, rabbits and some squirrel visiting our garden and last but not the least the fishes and turtles are his friends and  we have a awesome social life!!

Happy sunshine days are forever!!

Scroll down to meet some of our friends.....



Sunshine my dear boy my dear friend im your friend for now and forever  i love you to the moon and back. to infinity and beyond, forever and ever and ever....

 P.S - Yes  I did find an answer to my question ' Two year olds dont have Friends' the curious that i got (and which is why i penned down this blog)  i asked Ramyaa so did Preksha have friends when she was Two... she thought for a bit and said 'oh no she'd not care much even though she went to a day care she never addressed anyone as a friend  till she was four or so :) :)

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Father s Day special !!!

So at the outset i would like to mention this blog is not about the sunshine boy this is about the other boy in my life the 'Hubby Boy' :) so a (Hubby s) friend asked me when do we get to read a blog on him and my answer was whilst hes always on my mind i dint really find enough content to blog on him (and then hes also this shy thing although on the outside he does'nt look so :)) and obviously the most comprehensive encyclopedia ever assembled, the internet does not give me serious or complex content b'cos my blogs are mostly personal diaries and i have to do some serious thinking keeping away all those mind numbing distraction the touch screen, touch texting etc oh yes some of my blogs are travel info blogs too so i do use mother internet a lot to cross check if im not publishing something wrong,  nevertheless i thought why not take this a tad serious and decided i'l write on him for 'Father s day' afterall its a special day that falls on a sunny sunday!!

And.. . whilst hes always on my mind i must admit hes on my mind the most when things go wrong and i'm busy scolding him in my mind  :) but of course ;) hes on my mind when there is a kitchen mess courtesy 'sunshine',  hes on my mind when im out to fetch grocery to the indian store and sunshine is busy dropping all the green beans on the floor or trying to open and close the cold storage door and im like i wish the Hubby was here to handle this lil thing, hes on my mind when im drained off and need some 'me' time and he messages saying 'client dinner'  trust me i have the 'devil horns' look, so in short hes on my mind in most of the arghhhhh moments :))

But i thought its so unfair on my part to not appreciate how he helps me otherwise. So when we had our little sunshine the little that he was - zero days old, the Hubby decided he wants to experience everything about fatherhood from day zero and since the hospital had a policy of only one member sleeping overnight  he decided to stay in the hospital the very first night we had our sunshine and  little did he know it was surely not a piece of cake to handle two cranky babies but he did a great job. After the hospital story when we welcomed the baby back home he was the one who learnt from the nurses back in the hospital how to swaddle the baby, how to prepare the formula milk and how to change Diapers !! He'd even rock the baby and put him to sleep, and times when the little baby did not know the difference between Day and Night and would stay up all night the Hubby would be up all night too. All this with no paternal leave as such and with 2 hours of sleep and making it to work next morning the Hubby came up with dehydration and was terribly sick :( Although we had a wonderful support system from both grandparents the point i wana make is the Hubby went out of his way to live his moment as a Father in those initial days. of course after the sickness and with work pressure he could'nt do much of the baby chores as time passed. But till date the little thing if he sees his Dad he wants him to bathe him and clean him after potty :)  bcos the two of them have a lot of fun in water.

Taking care of each other!!!
our little trio world!!

I realise  in the little trio world that we live in the west today its the small little things that matter  that make you a complete family  its more important that we take care of each other and help each other aint it?  (back in India it did not matter bcos we had so many people to help & take care of us and our baby,,, we dint even realise who did what). A thought passed by me while im writing this 'taking care part'  - So i wanted to be a full time Mom bcos i love it its a choice i made for my son... So this female co-worker pinged me one day just to ask me why i chose not to get back to work and she cant imagine me being a 'housewife' also went to the extent of telling me this other co worker in her new office manages home, work and 2 kids. Okay so 'thanks but no thanks' obviously was my reply to that chat window with a piece of my mind to that fat thing.

( my piece of mind reads : We are very good lawyers to our own mistakes or deeds
 and very good Judges to others ...So stop being judgemental.)

Firstly why cant people mind their own business. secondly what is wrong with the women today the so called glorified career corporate women of India  why is this whole concept of a career women so hyped up only in India, in fact when i went for my first interview here my employer was like 'being a full time mom is a job by itself and the toughest one for sure' of course things are different here and i understand India is developing nation and women in those days were not allowed to study and had to take care of household, kids, parents and could not live a life for themselves... but  today don't we think we have a bit of everything there are more women engineers, doctors, and other professionals but  in  the event of trying to break the glass ceiling and going strong on this women power attitude and trying to be independant  some of them are just competing with their reflective outlook and their ego (but of course) Again i dont mean to generalise the corporate women  here bcos i have some lovely friends from the corporate world who are women but definitely don't throw an attitude like this one. We all just respect each others choice and decisions of life.!!

To me as a family if you have to 'take care' of each other you have to be dependant on each other  i was so so dependant on my father till i graduated and now if im dependant on my husband and im also a 'stay home mom' and i cook a meal for my family does that make me a 'housewife' bring it on then bcos i love it, i  love being dependant on the Hubby bcos it gives me a sense of security,I love cooking a special breakfast on sunday for the Hubby, i like packing his tiffin for work, i like deciding what i should be packing or cooking the next day, i like waiting for him to get home and have dinner with me, of course i love using his credit card for my shopping :) so today if i have more time i ought to go out of my way to do things for the Hubby afterall he did it too when i needed it the most - as simple as that. Husband s graduate to take the title of a Father and its the biggest promotion in their life too. 'When a child is born a mother is born' heard that quote? I'd rephrase this to 'When a child is born a mother & father are born'. So on Father s day what better gift than a few lines of gratitude ...

Here goes sunshine s' gratitude list

Thank you Daddy for your help popping bubbles!!
Thank you Daddy for chasing after balls!!
Thank you Daddy saddling up for shoulder rides!!
Thank you Daddy for the horseback rides!!
Thank you Daddy for being my dance partner!!
Thank you Daddy for lifting me to the sky like a rocketship!!
Thank you Daddy for all those kisses and cuddling!!

Thank you Daddy for being Daddy!!

Most often i do not know how to end my blog and this time i got a little mushy i must admit :)  anyway  i decided to publish this  Hubby Daddy blog on 'father s day' that falls on  June 15 b'cos I  planned a small surprise for 'The special day' and wanted to post a pic of these cute little things i got custom made for him and also did some DIY craft with sunshine for Daddy  ....  here s wishing the  'Hubby' a very 'Happy Father s Day' you are a 'Super Dad' our 'Super Hero'. Stay blessed forever!!! And did i tell you  my Father is visiting me here in PA this year, woo hoo yes  i get to live my moment as a daughter and celebrate Father s Day with full swing :):)  Happy Happy Fathers Day to my darling 'Appa' and to Daddy (my Father in Law) stay blessed forever and thank you God for this special day -  for 'Father s 'Day'!!!
Happy Father s day to my darling Dad (s)
The sew hoop keepsake displaying sugar cubes and ants :) - thanks to  Happy People!!

some cut out craft - displaying all the things sunshine loves !

The cupcake garland by Happy people and my cup cake party style!!!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Back Home - Home sweet Home !

I write to you all as i traverse from the Indian ocean through the Atlantic ocean to the land of the free USA- @ 3am in the night up with a toddler busy playing in full swing both of us jet lagged yup ! So.Back in April 2014 we flew 24 hours to make a visit to our folks to India, it really feels like a decade spent there... A 2 months vacation in the peak of summers after 4 months of brutal winters in north america aahhhh definitely was worth it,  besides i do'nt ever think i've had this vacation time after my school days and in busy India every minute counts.

So the trip was a combination of Bangalore and Bombay. Although ive travelled with the sunshine boy all by myself last year when  i joined Hubby here but let me tell you all those who fear about travelling with a toddler and those stories of restlesness, tantrums etc etc playing out in your kid came true and Hubby and me witnessed the real 'Terrible Two's inside an aeroplane up 6000 feet in the sky. Yes Yes i know i know i hav'ent forgotten terrible two is a negative word for me and does not exist in my life s dictionary:))  but trust me when you are up in the sky and you cant even jump out or pull your hair bcos you have these super co operative and friendly co passengers (punn intended here) you just had to put up an artifical smile on your face to defend yourself for the acts your toddler plays. 

So  the little sunshine was in his best form screaming and screeching his lungs out if he did not get what he wants. So i carried these puzzles - colors, alphabets and numbers which are like foam material and it has to be placed in the puzzle board its a 3A size drawing book kind of boy is used to sitting on the floor at home and he gets really busy putting and fixing these puzzles whilst i used to appreciate his motor skills and skype folks showing them how smartly my boy does it ...the sunshine boy wanted to do his way in the narrow aeroplane he sat down on the floor when the plane was about to take off ...goodness me :@ silly me why did i ever give him those puzzles now when the plane had to take off i could have rather asked his Dad to read him a book ` ` arghhhhh!! the air hostess gave me an ultimatum please pick him up and buckle him the plane is taking off screeches screeches his Dad did the honors of buckling him up and putting him in the seat next to him ..did not work ..ultimately took him in his lap and diverted his attention outside the window ...spotted a few bridges which are by default a 'London Bridge' I(remember i told you about the nursery rhymes thing in my other blog and his connection to it in real life :)) he got diverted and kept saying see 'London bridge' !! 

Then he saw these crew members come with their trolley to serve dinner and to him it looked like a train he kept saying 'kooo chook chook choo' he wanted me to pull out his' Thomas the  tank engine' a miniature toy version of a engine and he literally got on to his paws and started crawling behind the air-hostess and their train trolley with his train in his little palm riding it under every passengers seat :)). trust me i laughed and enjoyed all of this whilst the Hubby was paranoid and i had to put up a face too to match up with his emotion ;) but seriously i thought whats wrong with me these are things you have to pen down bcos 'A child who does not play is not a child' afterall the poor baby was actively playing little did he know aeroplanes fly and its not a playground. so again i want to reassure myelf... yes  i disagree on 'terrible two s' its rather 'active baby' stage you see ;)

@airport whiling away time !
Has a duck in his hand!!

I dont even know where to start from about the India trip. I kept posting a lot of pics in the name of Bbombaydiaries# i got a chance to meet my school friends, college friends, work friends, all my bestie girlfriends and so much Me time too shopping shopping shopping thats' me time' shopping for sunshine i love it totally...everyday was so interesting.. meeting so many people, different and new set of activities, a lot of talking oh yes did I tell you sunshine  is talking a lot and just repeats what you say earlier it was joining two words like' Mumma sit' 'Mumma go'  although sunshine is a chatty kind but his so called 'american english acsent' suddenly got noticed especially when he started chatting in tamil. People were laughing it out hearing his tamil. His favorite pass time was to spot a few ants on my Mom s kitchen window and he and his Maasi (my sister) would play this ant story. he'd repeat whatever she'd stay. Big ant, Kutti ant(small ant), where ur hiding, and a few giggles off track... we spent about 2 weeks in Bangalore meeting Hubby s folks, sister, brother in law and Sha & Ka ... they are ten now the bubbly twins my sister in law s kids!! Sunshine boy totally loves them and did not let them sit for a minute. play play and only play he drained them off totally. He did not allow them to play with their friends too and they had to cook stories that they are not at home ;@
not letting them eat :)

Awesome Threesome!!

wake up call !!

Did i tell you these kiddos have a cute little Great Grandmom, yeah shes this soft ,cuddly, gentle and calm types always patiently watching and laughing over sunshine s whimsical ways !!unfortunately this sunshine did not co - operate in clicking a picture with her.

Thats her - and V is blessed to spend time with her..

 We got her a cute greeting card where he scribbled with crayons i was more excited than sunshine i love crayons the oil pastels !! i have a huge fascniation for oil pastel crayons. when i was young my parents bought me the 12 or 24 colors but i had a dream to own the 56 colors the big one and the first thing i did in this trip is went to the same stationery shop and got the 56 colors camlin oil pastels for sunshine im going to teach him the art of using crayons i was really good at it!!

I must say Kids are so so attached to their grandparents its just lovely to see them enjoy together..even though hes visiting my folks and Hubby s folks after a year he remembers them and connects so well. He is so attached to my sister its a saying  'Maa -si Maa jasi hoti hai' Moms sisters are like Mom!! At times sunshine would be cuddling my sister and if i enter the room he'd say Mumma bye ' :) he loves his time with her he even cries when she'd leave for work and equally excited and welcomes her back in the evening with cuddling and hugs.

Always a Maasi Boy in Bombay !!

 In fact i was fearing what is going to happen when we return back he is just so full up with his routine and used to the crowd being around but to my surprise he did not really cry he was confused a bit at the airport and in the midst of the flight kept saying 'Patty house' couple of times but i told him we are now going to see Daddy we are going to 'our home' The upper toddler understood it all.' Emotions ' the toughest word in my life s dictionary. its so hard to handle emotions the happy and sad sometimes all clubbed i wish i had the 'emoticons' that i have on my phone here id just paste all of them . its just so heart breaking to see the little him look out for them, imagine that they are coming back with us, pointing out to someone and say 'Adoo Patty' meaning there she is (Patty is my Mom).

 sob ..sob ... handling those emotions ...phew...but anyway this time i told him the truth and it made me feel good too. Truth pays, it does. So we flew homeward bound 22 hours and 7800 miles to see a 'Happy Daddy' at the airport eagerly waiting for us. Nothing can beat the feeling of being together with your family after a longggg vacation and driving homeward bound  - ahhh Home sweet Home!!
Home sweet Home

As i'am sipping my early morning 3 am coffee all jet lagged i read the two frames i nailed on my wall besides my table. it truly meant what i was feeling currently:

It reads:
'Family ties are precious threads no matter where we roam
they draw us close to those we love and pull our hearts towards home'

Wall art!!

So i treated myself in Mumbai with some keepsake shopping stuff for my Home sweet Home....scroll down to the last wall art its the best :)) !! Happy Travelling #  travel blogsspecial#

The 3am coffee only at home sweet home

My Mumbai keepsake (although id always call it Bombay)

Mumbai Chaiwala special!!
And then finally my best keepsake - a gift for the Hubby ;))!!

sincere respect to the most convenient mode of transport the AUTO RICKSHAW!!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Mommy dashboard - 10 Things for the Happy Baby

So a friend who is a new Mom to two beautiful twin girls asked me how do you do it ? How is it that your enthu cutlets are popping up almost always and you are  ready to take a plunge into something new for your toddler and i'm like this paranoid 'Mom already fearing the 'terrible two s' and 'tantrum three s' and thinking about how im going to handle all of that with two babies and the household and everything.  What? I laughed it out  yep thats me that was my reaction say it again 'terrible two s' and 'tantrum three s' how on earth do you even know about these terms btw so this friend s twin girls are just 6 months old and shes already figuring out the best playschool for which the forms and admissions happen only once in Bombay and shes preparing for  June already  :) pressure pressure pressure June just brings this school pressure!!

I know I know how it is to be a new Mom and handling two babies - oh my gosh, but i told her  everyday is a different day we all have our ups n downs and get drained out by the end of the day of course  i'am not at my best always either (although i try to) i have my baby anxieties & worries too but trust me when i see this little sunshine s whimsical ways and funny moves my day just gets brighter and better So here s my Happy Mommy Dashboard for my dear friend :)

1)Most importantly Avoid Information overload - Trust me whilst its great to have a knowledge on everything but a Japanese client once told me "I know nothing about everything" Its best to do your basic homework thats all please do not use a hover glass on those fat text books for heaven sake Mommies. Oh how can i forget 'mother google' we all want to 'google' on almost everything and why not we live in this gadget world of 4G, touch screen, tablets hmmm whilst im quiet tech savvy but i deliberately avoid information overload. Just give it a birds eye view thats enough trust me the more you get deeper into a subject matter the more the bulbs in your brains start flashing in the wrong or negative direction. To me terrible two s never existed bcos i dont believe in it its negative word for me so ive never grumbled about it simple :)

2) Lets try and be the cup cake ourselves - A Happy child is a reflection of a Happy Mom. So when people ask me don't you get drained out all day with a toddler at home or the best question 'oh my god' howcome you are a full time Mom what do you do the whole day.Okay now these are questions from people who don't have kids so honestly  I don't choose to answer this question but my reply is if your battery is not charged and you are not on a high you are going to have a cranky and irritated baby/toddler so get out there burn off the energy while outdoors, re - live your childhood cycling days, swimming days, swing days, park days and let there be sunshine. Seeing a happy Mom a child ought to play happily and after burning off some energy the tired thing is ready for a quick shower, meal and sleep. Watching a Baby sleep is a feast to a human eye trust me!!

Happy Mommy drive = Happy Babby!

3)Do not get pressurised on early playschools- I remember this Mom at the park back in Bombay who was watching me and sunshine play at the park asked me 'which school' instead of asking me 'whats his name' or a simple hello smile - No she had a frown eyebrow  look ~ ~ nevertheless i smiled back saying  hes only 22 months she was like my son went to playschool when he was 15 months.. so what do i do dude was my expression after 5 minutes she followed me to the see saw area and said it is very good for social and emotional skills of the child. 'Okay i see' - 'Thanks but no thanks' was my reaction 'Information overload again' aint it? How on earth will a 15 month handle socialising skills my 15 month was a busy crawler he never walked till he was 17 months he had his own busy world and the world was his Mommy Daddy and grandparents thats all and so be it and what about emotional skills im sure the seperation anxiety and shock the kids get by visiting these play schools as early as 15 months make them super cranky and hence the reference to 'emotinoal skills' phew!!I never sent the sunshine to school till he was 2.5 years (that too bcos i was getting back to work and wanted to prepare him)

4)Pamper(s) Diaper) the Baby - So you know the world loves to give you free advice and this other Mommy friend told me "if your 1 month old child cries do not pick him up bcos when youl get back to work he will find it tough bcos he is used to your arms and used to being carried and wont get independant"
Oh Boy what a solid research white paper is that. A zero month old baby trying to attain independance hmmm i totally turned down the advice and i believe whilst most moms debate on which diaper to use and which rash cream to use please spend time to  pamper pamper and only pamper your little one. carry them always they get a sense of security only from their Moms, Dads and other members at home. If they are cranky there is a reason for it so don't let them stay there independantly :) pick the little thing up comfort him,pacify him. Hug him, kiss him and say i love you at least 5 times in a day.

5)Do not turn down Grand parents advice and refer to it as old school - If an old aunt is visiting your zero month old baby and excitedly gets sugar to feed your lil one its OK. a small granule of sugar just touched to his lips will do no harm to your baby in fact hel surely have a sweet tooth and will welome all that porridge with extra sugar and added ghee when you start feeding him the solids. Gripe water it is - remember the old classic Indian ad Woodwards gripe water - "Kay zala Baal radath hota, woodwards dila tu lahan hota teve mee tula hech dile". Yes gripe water is the best for a cranky kid who has a gas trouble and in the west especially gripe water it is in every household. But since my kid was born in India and there was some information overload again on gripe water not being recomended by peadeatricians (some not all )and instead its better visit a doc blah blah so we waited for one whole cranky night to end and waited to show him to the paed. Keep the gripe water handy!!

6)Give the crawling baby some 'me' time and let him explore his world -  All kids are born musicians and drumist. let them crawl into your kitchen open those cabinets and throw some tumbler down on the floor they simply enjoy the sound. if you are busy making a meal and they follow you to the kitchen and wait underfoot just put them at the side and give them a steel vessel and spoon these guys can beat the drums. My son had mastered the art of opening the drawers and everyone around freaked out 'his fingers -  his hands'. Relax let them figure it out how to open it they are gentle themselves, and watch it when they do it but please  'DO NOT SCARE THEM'  I invested in some drawer guards only after i figured out his visits to the kitchen got too frequent to strum a guitar or beat the drums, yes child proof your kitchen and house with accesories but never say NO. Let them pull out their grandparents spectacles, let them fidget with the remote controls of television, (im talking about crawling ones here, the other disciplined Mommies are going to freak out reading this haha)for the babies its all so new just like the way we drop our jaws and we excitedly start fidgteing with the lovely clothes we see  on those manequins at our favorite shopping outlet ;) its the same with those little ones too. 

7) Books, books, books - I read yes i read a lot to my kid sometimes i overdo it i actually got a kiddo size globe and started explaining to him the earth is round in shape its made of land and water he spinned the globe like a ball and threw it off :) Just go easy with the books in Indian terms i would say 'Studies'. Yes my best friend s daughter who is 4 and she has another 7 month old is grumbling that she is drained off and does not give time to her 4 year old s 'lesson time'. haha i can only laugh and i have no words. What on earth do you want to teach a 4 year old and that too in the summer vacation. Is'nt that school which is on im sure for the last 3 years all 5 days in a week throughout the year enough? Oh dear Oh Boy!! But she says sorry i cant be as chillaxed as you :) nor am i those craft Moms. Well neither am I but havent you heard of pinterest cummon when you can download watsapp and facebook on your cell phone download a pinterest and what amamzing ideas for craft i love it!!!If you are indoors spend sometime re-doing your toddlers room rotate the toys, invest in a activity table let him build lego blocks there, do one DIY craft with him ( we did a cute teapot, tea cup and a cup cake) let him mess his hands with some poster colors,some crayons time, visit the library, read lots of animal picture books, make some greeting cards for the grandparents (we made one for his great grand mom she was overwhelmed), introduce some water games while bathing like i put these turtles and fishes in a tub and hed keep putting it in and pulling it out and say 'swim swim' :) :)
DIY kitchen craft!
DIY scribble me!!
The Happy reader !

8)Visit the Temple - Kids are born spiritual and its lovely to see them calmly stand and watch the Gods and observe each and everything we do they mimic you so well,they will ring the bell, chant a few prayers and start singing all the aarti songs aloud in their 'Jay Jay' way. They are blessed by the almighty and we are blessed to have them. For sunshine s vacation this time at my folk s place a cute little temple next to the park had two tortoise walking their way slowly and it was a super feast time at the temple for this little thing watching those cute little turtles lazying around and we'd go there everyday after our park times sometimes opinons would differ it could be the temple first then the park (maybe) whatever the boss says!

9)Wake me up - Wake up an hour  earlier (hehe im still trying this) finish the morning errands, and sip a cup of coffee by your coffee table wait for the little thing to wake up or wake him up in the cuddly way if he has a schedule trust me nothing can be more wonderful than a beautiful morning smile from your little one. I actually named him 'sunshine' (my blog goes bcos when he was really little he would give this morning sun smile actually a 'toothless grin' heeee and we named it sunshine

10)The Connect - Be a role model to your baby -heard that? To me it totally means staying connected!! even in our sleep the two of us sub consciously are aware we are there for each other. The first thing when he wakes up he calls out to me and i know the first thing i wake up i have to see him. @ connect is a wonderful feeling and it puts me on cloud 9 bcos i love the way he worriedly looks out if he doesnt see me for a minute. To me connect also means doing a lot of drama i make up a lot of stories to connect two and two and make it five instead. Hes in love with bugs the ladybird, butterfly, ants, caterpillar any creepy crawly things bcos hes been seeing a lot pictures of the same in his books. His Maasi (my sister) got this idea of deliberately putting some sugar cubes at the window so that real ants come in and oh boy what a lovely idea was that so we had these little ants marching and this little thing s eyes stuck on to it for hours together and a lot of talking & stories on those ants :)

I live by this - my slogan for the connect!!

Babies are these brand new gift god can ever send to this world. Hence they are this huggable,
kissable lovable bundle of joy!! Happy Parenting and Stay Happy to bring out the happy baby that came out of your womb!!

Lots of Love
Sunshine s Mommy